what I am doing
here are some things i've done so far
Well, so far i have written an e-mail to OHSWA and told them my thoughts and how I felt about the landfill, I wasn't
expecting to hear anything back, but I actually did get and e-mail from Mike Wolak, Director of Engineering,
and he told me that i could call him if I wanted to talk to him about it, he is also sending me a packet of information
concerning the landfill.
I also wrote to 3 people at the Rome Sentinal, just asking them for some help and some ideas, to get everyones opinion
out there, but I haven't heard back from anyone there at all yet.
And I sent an e-mail to the grassroots recycling network, just to tell them about what they want to do to Ava, I haven't
heard back from the yet either.
I have had many e-mails sent to me from diffrent people from the Ava area,
Alex Stempien, VP of ACAL and a Town of Ava Board member
Sandra Richards the Ava Town Clerk
Dave McGrath
Adirondack Mt Sun newspaper
I also have sent letters to President Bush and govorner Pataki
I have sent letters to several of the newspapers in the surrounding areas
I sent an e-mail to MSNBC telling them about it
I sent e-mails to at least 3 diffrent newspapers in my area trying to get more people informed.
I am getting help from my friend Lindsay Wailes, who is finding new information for me to post on the website.
recently I sent e-mails to:
Dan Fisher
Judge E. Buhrmaster
Ralph Eannance
Raymond Meier
Hands Arnold
Everyone at OHSWA
we have had 13 people sign the petition, we need alot more, spread the word, we need more signatures.